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Residents can apply to the County for assistance in installing laterals and paying tapping fees. Go to, then click on the American Rescue Plan Act tab. Sewer construction costs are one of the eligible items. The form was developed for businesses and organizations, but the County Commissioners have determined that individuals may apply. Some of the form will not be applicable for individuals. The important thing is to fill in what is applicable, who you are, what you need, and why you need it. The Authority can not apply because that portion of the project is complete. You can apply for connection costs including the tapping fee. Attached is the list of excavators/plumbers and electricians that have indicated they will work on completing the connections. The Authority is not endorsing anyone, you are free to use whoever you like, they just need to follow the guidelines, which are also attached. The current round of APRA closes 10.29.2021, then a new round opens up immediately and closes near Thanksgiving. If you have any questions you may call the Commissioners Office 717-582-2131. Commissioner Eby is the point contact, you can also speak with Commissioner Watson. There will be a mailing going out soon with more information to all of the project's customers.
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